Help me choosing Phono Preamp


I need suggestion in choosing a quality phono stage (SS or tube, new/used) under $3000 to mate with Denon DL-103 cartridge. The cartridge has very low output voltage around 0.18mV. Few pre I considered are Manley Chinook, EAR 834P, Liberty B2B-1, and MF MX-VYNL. All of them seem to require a step up transformer to work with DL-103. I don't like the idea of outboard transformer, and also I want to keep number of boxes as minimum as possible. Is there any outstanding pre out there (full function or stand alone phono stage) with input sensitivity close to 0.15 V to work with DL-103 ? Other qualities of the preamp I am looking for are: utterly transparent, extreme resolution, but not lean/thin/weak in sound, MC and MM both options will be a plus . Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.



The DL-103 standard version is rated at .3mv output, incl the DL-103S
I have, a few of the other DL-103 versions are rated at .25mv so I am not sure what your .18mv figure is from.
I agree with michaela, the Allnic H 1201 will work very well now and in your future.
I second bdp24.  IMO, nothing tops a Herron VTPH-2.  Even an updated VTPH-1mc will top pretty much anything else out there.