Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp Review

On a somewhat related note, I've never heard the Ref 6, I own the 40th Anniversary pre. I'm not sure if I'll ever switch, it's been an absolute pleasure. 

However, I do own the new Ref 3 Phono preamp and it's an extraordinary improvement over the Ref 2. The dynamics are incredible. My perception is that I am hearing more information than I was able to glean from my albums in the past. Since the Ref Phono 3 and Ref 6 are fundamentally built on similar platforms, I am encouraged to believe that the positive reports on the Ref 6 are, indeed, true. 

Happy listening!
It would be interested to evaluate both the new Ref6 against the 40th Anniversary edition.
I certainly have not. However, I spoke with "a person" at Audio Reaearch about the two. He said, fairly matter-of-factly, that despite the improvement in the Ref 6 power supply that, in his opinion, the 40th Anniversary still out performed it. If the Ref 6 is even close then I would highly recommend giving it an audition. 
jhconnor, typically one box solutions are not considered 'no cost object' designs. Let's be fair, how about asking this person a direct comparing between the 40th anniversary edition and Reference 10?