Capital Audio Fest 2016

Just got back.   Did not see a thread for this yet so here it is.  

For me  lots of very good sound this year.    The best as a whole I have heard.   Very few disappointments.   Some old favorites enjoyed once again and a few new finds.   Will report more when I get a chance to digest it all a bit.  

I'm of course very interested to hear about what others thought and may have discovered?

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Well, that was an interesting follow-up to the problems in the Brinkman/Tidal room.  It certainly sounded like the channels were out of phase.  I am pleased the room sponsors were able to fix the problem before the end of the show.
Now I will certainly admit that my brother knows much more about different mfg’s and product lines than I do (and he was along as well), I’m more a photography and digital renderings guy (visual, less auditory) but I know what I like when I hear it. The Josephs were punching way above their weight class and Mr Josephs was quite cool, he took time to explain some of the new parts in his floor standing units vs the Pearls we heard in NYC about 15 yrs ago. Crazy knowledgable guy and great speakers. At $7k they were one of the best IMHO and hearing a classic reel to real (LOL) was a great treat, the quality so much better than expected for an original 1955 recording on tape. The Pearl 3s would prob remove my shoes and socks, sadly he didnt have them along. $31.5k if I recall the pricing correctly.

+1 for Vond on the Zu audio room, the sound was excellent and everyone was very chill, just a great laid-back vibe and "come on in and set for a spell" was just hangin in the air.
I enjoyed the look of the big $200k Kef's.

My favorite sound was the Legacy Aeris (good WAF too). The Wavelet they're using really took that speaker to a whole new level. Sounded nice with those Raven tubes as well.

Great show overall- nice turnout!

They were playing a vintage spoken recording of some sort when I heard the kefs.   They were very impressive with that.  Would have liked to heard more but had to move on.  

My corner placement experiment is working out exceedingly well.  A nice new trick to have up ones sleeve when needed.