solid state amp power

Currently I have an LFD Mark IV (60 watts) driving a pair of Harbeth C7ES-3. I've caught upgrade-itis. I'm thinking about going to the Super HL5-Plus and if I do that I'm going to replace my whole system. The reason being that I want to use a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC as the source, in which case I no longer need an integrated amp. I want to try running the DAC directly to an amp. My question is then, which amp to get?

I want to use a solid state amp but I'm finding it diffictult to find an interesting amp that is not integrated and produces less than 100 WPC. Additionally, I don't want an amp that runs hot at idle. Currently I never turn my LFD over 30% volume unless I'm listening to it from the next room so, even 60 WPC is far more than I need. 

If I can't find an amp I like under 100 WPC, I may try the Classé CA-D200, which is 200 WPC. Is this powerful amp going to be too loud for me at even the lowest settings?

Any advice is welcome.
I have owned Pass Labs XA30.5 and XA60.5 amps and although they are fairly warm to the touch, they did not heat up my medium sized room at all!

Put the amps on stands, and they will run cooler, than on a shallow shelf or directly on the floor.

The much bigger ones, and the newer XA.8 amps generate more heat, and use more electricity.
Look for an Audio Research 100.2. It's one of their best solid state amps. I used to own one and it's an incredible amp. Nothing touches it for the money.
I would be more concerned about the nature of the gain provided by the Direct Stream DAC than the wattage of the amplifier. I would think one would want to drive an amp using 30- 70% range on volume control of the DS DAC. Other may chime in on my thinking on this.

I think that by considering 50-100wpc amplifiers one opens up far greater possibilities. That wattage would not be over-kill for your speakers.  
I run a DAC directly into my gorgeous sounding 30 wpc Pass XA30.5. Probably one of the of the top 2-3 in the under 100 wpc category.

These show up frequently on the used market. The newer replacement model is the XA30.8. About $6000.

They run warm, but not hot, at idle. In standby mode they are cold.