My Oppo hums

With my new Burson PI-160, my Oppo now hums at the speaker with the volume turned up and when still connected via ICs and on another input, passes the hum on (albeit slightly with nothing playing). There is no OFF feature on the Oppo, just standby. It was never present with the older Burson or the Classic 6.1 that I still have. If I disconnect the Oppo, the hum is gone. The mickey mouse IEC has no ground plug and that may be the problem: won't know until tomorrow when I get one with a ground plug (if they make one) Has anyone else experienced this?
Summitav & Jea48:

Thanks! That seems to be the culprit. I disconnected the cable COAX from the cable box and 'viola!' the hum disappeared. On all inputs. Now I'm off to get that Jensen ground isolator.
You guys on A'gon are the best.
Dont get the ground isolator until you have your cable/sat guy come out and fix earth ground, its their problem to fix. My cable co fixed mine for free last year.
Why spend your money if you can get it fixed for free?
Not to worry. When I asked around for the Jensen unit, no one had it in stock. Jensen is about 15 minutes from where I live and they'd have to make it for me for about $59. I found a cheaper alternative for $3 at a local electronics store that they say will do the same thing. They sell lots of them and get no returns. Its worth a try. Will let you know.
All the same it should be fixed regardless because now we know its not correct is all.

I got Time Warner to come out after some haggling. Seems that since my equipment is not Time Warner's then the problem was mine to solve.
After patiently explaining it to them again, and with a request to speak to a supervisor, I got a free visit for this Saturday. By the way, the lady I spoke to over at Jensen said that this happens all the time, around the world, which is why they have none of the ground isolators in stock. They would have to make me one.