Preamp for audio research ref110

Hi, just purchased an arc ref110. My current preamp is an arc sp9 mkii. Unfortunately it doesn't have balanced outputs (why do they sell them like that? given that most of their amps need balanced). I am looking for a short term and long term solution. For the short term I would like to at least test the amp with a minimum of investment (as I need to wait until the purse reloads). So my questions are: is there anyway to use what I have for a while? And what would be a good longer term solution hopefully under 3k. And by the way I use records so I need a phono solution. Thank you all in advance. 
It's all good, but to me it's OK to live few days with unbalanced depleted signal. ARC preamps have very high line-stage gain so the volume won't be deficient at all till the other unit arrives.

As a possible alternative, I recommend my Modwright 36.5. I found it to be a little better than the ARC Ref 3 I compared it with and a good bit cheaper. Modwright kit is in general, excellent value. I find ARc Power amps more to my taste , than the Pre's. The combination of the Modwright and ARC Ref 75SE, is perfect for me.

if you are in the Los Angeles area, feel free to contact me.  I have two Jensen transformer devices that I'm not using that you are welcome to try out before you purchase one.

In the interim,  it is a very good way to go.  I bought them because I was using single ended out from my previous crossover to balanced in to my amps.  I then upgraded to a Krell KBX balanced crossover configured to work with my speakers and the need for the Jensen devices went away.

However, they work pretty good. 

Also, before you decide to get another full function with phono (I presume) pre-amp, I would first retube that SP9 MK II with new tubes.  I did that before and then auditioned a REF3 pre-amp side by  side (A/B) with the SP 9 and I have to tell you, although the REF 3 was/is better, it wasn't a jaw dropping difference.  and that retubed SP 9 MK II sounded really good.


WOW great re-tubing suggestion for the preamp that is not a match to the fully balanced amp!

It's all good, but to me it's OK to live few days with unbalanced depleted signal. ARC preamps have very high line-stage gain so the volume won't be deficient at all till the other unit arrives.

This does not see a good suggestion to me! In addition to depleated power output, many ARC amplifiers also make a lot more distortion when driven single-ended. If one is trying to evaluate the amplifier it won't be possible!

Since a short-term suggestion was asked for, so far the best solution has been Al's, to get a set of Jensen transformers (which will do and excellent job of single-ended to balanced conversion without editorial) to drive the amplifier. This will work quite well and is far less expensive than replacing the preamp! In addition, the preamp right now is a known value and will allow for a proper evaluation of the amplifier.

If found acceptable, then I would indeed explore the possibility of updating/upgrading to a preamp with a balanced design.