When and what was your last significant equipment upgrade?

I will start- December 2015, a DAC (Bricasti M1)

As I've said in the past, I truly believe I am done in terms of buying gear, but more recently I finally merged my laptop with my DAC to explore hi-rez audio, which I am enjoying a great deal
A Balanced Power Technologies 2.5 Signature Edition. This unit really rounds out my system. Now if I could just build that dedicated room....
Townshend Audio speaker bars. I never could have thought the fantastic results on my plannar system. These things are incredible and at very reasonnable price.
Purchased an Ayre K-1xe preamp yesterday to replace the Modwright LS-100 that I can't seem to find quiet tubes for.  Hopefully finished upgrading now. 
New Classic Audio T3.3 speakers with field coil option and Atmasphere Novacron monoblocks. WOW is all I can say. They are still breaking in.