Toslink they make a difference?

Hello fellow Audiogoners. I would like to pose a few questions regarding Toslink cables. Do they make a significant impact in sound, as perhaps speaker cables would in a system. Also does the composition of the cable make a difference, i.e. glass vs polymer. I have a streamer connected to my amplifier via a Toslink cable. Any recommendations before I consider trying to upgrade the cable with little return on my investment. Thanks for your comments.

Don't like toslink but glass is better than polymer. To many additional conversions going on in toslink at the sending end and the receiving end. Coax or aes/ebu is much better
Coax might be better in somebody’s system but another person might have the opposite experience. Toslink might be better when you have long connections, ambient electrical noise or ground loops. Coax might be better when you have system noise. Typical coax should be either very short <1ft or long >1.5m to minimize jitter caused by reflections in the cable. Reflection occur on boundaries of characteristic impedance. Because of that cheaper cable might be a better fit than expensive cable (better matching characteristic impedance). It is a system thing and what works for one person may not work for another, unless they have identical systems in the same room.
Our advice is always based on our experience in our own system. If all we say is it is system dependent there would be recommendations ever given