#8 AWG spade connectors??

 Looking for a little parts help, hope this is the right forum vs the misc. I've spent countless hours looking for some quality spade connectors that are big enough to accommodate some older AQ GR8 speaker cables. I had ordered some nice looking GLS banana connectors from Amazon, they say they hold #10 AWG, but 1 of the 4 wires still does not fit in the connector. So I assume I need #8 or bigger. I have searched eBay, parts-express, etc but can't seem to find anything big enough. I'd prefer that they be the 45 degree angled ones. The reason I am re-doing these cables is because they're old, and my new amp has puny wire posts compared to the Bryston I had. I'm lookin to do it nicely, with heat shrink and all. I can't use bananas or other types because the amp does not have enough space in the rack behind it.
Any ideas? 
I received the Furez spades, and my errant order from PartsExpress. Holy cow there is a huge difference between your standard plastic shielded, gold plated .001 ounce, regular spade - and the clearly audiophile grade, heavy copper spades! Not bashing the PE order, as those spades would do the job just fine, it's more of an aesthetic thing. But very impressive indeed. 

Furez connectors installed! I bought the labeled heat shrinks and the whole enchilada, really happy with them. One word: big. But what a huge PITA the Allen wrench didn't come included. I think it was supposed to. I have quite an array of wrenches but the smallest I had was 1.5mm, apparently these required 1mm. I whined and fretted over the whole idea of wasting hours driving to different hardware stores just for a $1 wrench, so in the end I sacrificed a tiny screwdriver and used some pliers at the end to twist the tiny screws in. Not sure I can post a photo, don't see the option. Anyway I recommend them. 

@ wetfeet - Had you looked at the site closer, you would have seen the tool they offer for the connectors. I went with the crimp style bananas, something about terminating with the set screws doesn’t appeal to me.
Looking at your post from 3-22, was hoping you would have come back with some input as to whether you liked the setup or not.
I’m guessing you’re satisfied with the product.
Parts Connexion will have what you want.  I prefer the WBT vs. Furutech. I've found Furutech lacking in precision and have broken two trying to tighten bananas by hand. Never had the problem with WBT's.  The spades should be fine though.

There is of course Cardas, quality components through and through.

With the Furutech or WBT's it's recommended you crimp the wires first, then insert to connectors. The $200 crimper or something is found much cheaper at parts-express, with some minor differences.

The owner is very knowledgeable and responsive, if you have any doubts, send them an e-mail before purchase.



you looked at the site closer, you would have seen the tool they offer for the connectors. I went with the crimp style bananas, something about terminating with the set screws doesn’t appeal to me.
Looking at your post from 3-22, was hoping you would have come back with some input as to whether you liked the setup or not.
I’m guessing you’re satisfied with the product.
I’m not sure I understand the comment, - my last post included the input that I bought and installed the Furez product, and that I was very happy with them and recommended them. After months of usage I still think they’re great. I just looked again and did a search and didn’t see any tools offered to install the spades. Under "optional items" for the spades it wasn’t mentioned either. Anyway, just an annoyance to an otherwise great product. Also, to further clarify, I bought and installed the Furez product, not the above mentioned Furutech, which I believe is a different product manufacturer.