I can't play a recording all the way through

So when does this end? I've got a new system, a lot of new music from DSD to FLAC to favorite old mp3s. So my problem is that I'm trying to both enjoy the new system yet, giddy as a schoolboy, listen for the quality differences. It's been three weeks and I just keep bouncing all over my library. 
I have learned that there is absolutely a difference in the very high DSD recordings. Less noise, more separation and more immediate sound. Also was impressed by the very high 320mhz mp3s. Not in the same sense as the DSD or FLAC but for the portion of my library that will never be HD, not bad. 

^^^ Yep, its kind of a rude awakening when one realizes that he/she has a lot less time looking forward than the time that was spent looking backward.  As for me, I'm not only in the final glide path, I'm running out of runway. :-)

Like you, bdp24, there is no way I could start listening to all of my LP's and CD's and ever get finished before I reached the end.  

As for advise to the "youngins:"  Keep in touch with your parents and grand parents. Always treat them with respect. Make sure they are cared for. So many of them will not tell you if they are in need. Always remember ... discipline weighs ounces ... regret weighs tons.

With that said, I'm going to Amoeba on Sunset to look for bdp's records. You never know, I might find a gem or two in there. *lol*

I've made up my mind I'm not going to die. Problem solved. Now I can buy more records.
Oh, and my excess Classical CD’s (about a thousand of them, all great stuff---Baroque through late-19th Century---on Harmonia Mundi etc.) went to Atomic Records in Burbank (Amoeba didn’t want them!), a real cool little two-brothers-owned shop specializing in Jazz and other adult music. They have a VPI HW-16 LP cleaner! Great guys, reasonable prices.