Stringreen, how is the 3D tonearm doing?

I am very curious. I also have the Super Scoutmaster Ref. Rimdrive with 10.5i tonearm and have been thinking of upgrading to the 3D arm. Thanks!
Is there a fine adjustment tracking weight screw inside the back end of the 3D arm as there is on the 10.5i arm?
I don't see a set screw on the 3D.

Do you have the "new" weight for the 3D?
Mine came with the SoundSmith device but was still tough to get right.
How does the "new" counterweight work?
I bought my Aries 3 in Feb '15 with the 3D arm and had to purchase the SS CI separately.  My 3D arm (a replacement from the original due to a bend in the arm) is the newest rendition and it does not have a fine adjustment on it.