recommendation on new brush

    I am interested in an upgrade of my ole brush.(moble fidelity)This is to be used dry or "wet" on my tt .
i have a nitty gritty 2.5 (ole' trusty) record cleaner i use to keep everything neat ,but not everytime.
The Sleeve City is a copy of the original Decca record brush.

The Audioquest brush has longer length brushes, and just moves the dust around IMO.

I do not like the Hunt brush, because the felt pad in the center, pushes the dust into the groove, and is hard to clean off with the holder.

A flip of the sleeve city, across the ridge in the frame, knocks off all the dust from the brushes. No grease transfer from finger tips.

don c55.

In regards to the Hunt brush, were you using the brush correctly? The Hunt is directional. It is clearly marked with an arrow on the handle. I have NEVER had the problems with this brush as you describe.