Where to fix Forsell Air Reference Transport and D/A

The transport unit keep giving reading error message and on/off of D/A unit no longer works.  I contacted Dr.Forsell himself but his staff told me they no longer support the product.  Any suggestion?  I suspect for the transport a swap for the optical drive will do but it could be hard to find the old Philip drive.
Thanks rcprince for the suggestion.  I got the response from Bengt Andersson from Foresell back in this January indicating Forsell no longer support my unit due to lack of part and availability of laser unit.  I will try Elliott Midwood.  Thanks again. 
Sad- that these companies do not stand behind their products, especially, parts?

It is a special transport.  I don't know how they did it, but it sounded more "analog" than any other transport I tried.

Wish I could remember Elliott's store, that would be more helpful to you.  I tried to find it in the archives but wasn't successful, maybe you'll have better luck.

rcprince - this is why I am still trying to fix this transport because it is one that's closest to vinyl.  The resolution may not be as good as others like EMM Lab/dCS/Esoteric but to date this is still one of the best analog sounding unit if pair with it's own d/a converter.  I tried to google Eliott's store but still no luck.  Thanks for your suggestion though.