entry level bluray?

At a party last night my cousin asked me about bluray. I'm into two-channel audio and am patheticly ignorant in regard to video, but I told him I'd find out. Does bluray play "regular" DVD's? And I'm guessing he's interested in a reliable entry level player: Can you recommend some intro players? Two Questions.
I have the basic Samsung BD1600 and it's just fine other than being slow at times and having a few minor issue. My point is that just about any entry level player is adequate for the majority of people. Samsung initially had the most available features such and Netflix, Pandora and such which is why I have one.

As long as they have an HDMI tv there isn't really a difference. If they want to use home theater sound they will either need a receiver with HDMI inputs and the ability to decode the HD formats or a blu ray plater that can output all 7.1 channels via RCA connection. There area a few entry level players that will do this.
Yes, they play regular DVDs and CDs. Some play SACD and DVD Audio as well as NetFlix, and other online services. Oppo does all well and plays back FLAC files through it's USB input.