entry level bluray?

At a party last night my cousin asked me about bluray. I'm into two-channel audio and am patheticly ignorant in regard to video, but I told him I'd find out. Does bluray play "regular" DVD's? And I'm guessing he's interested in a reliable entry level player: Can you recommend some intro players? Two Questions.
The main concern for me would be whether or not the HK has internet capabilities for firmware upgrades, NetFfix etc. and a USB input that will play back files from a thumb drive. SACD and DVDA playback would be nice. You may not care. You can compare at amazon.com
While I have no direct knowledge of the BDP-1, after looking at Amazon, it would appear to have many detractors. Some of the key comments indicated relatively poor quality and slow load times. As it has been out for a while, I too would be concerned about its Internet functionality compared to many of the newer players on the market as was mentioned by Rwwear. If Internet is not a concern, then it may work out if the price is right, but my guess is Panasonic, Oppo or a number of other brands that have newer units will offer better functionality for reasonable money.

OK. Thanks. Your comments are very instructive. I think I'm on my way and the Panasonic is probably the best choice right now. Lynne