The most transparent speaker cable

Gentlemen, I've been trying already for three cables in my system and none has all of the qualities I'm looking for in one. Can anyone recommend me the speaker cable which will be the most transparent with best detailing, not harsh and not muddy with the deepest bass and beautiful transients?

I've tried Revelation Audio Labs, Oyaide FF-20 V2 and Russian noname solid core AC in-wall cable. Today I'm gonna test the AR solid core but I doubt it will win. What I like in solid core cables is that they giving me the best and coherent bass I heard but at a price of the transparency. Of all three, the most transparent however was the Russian noname solid core AC in-wall cable but it lacks the bass slam and finesse.
Some recommend me to try as a speaker cable the Mundorf MConnect Metallfolie...
Go to Marigo Labs web site. Peruse or just call them in Washougal, Wa.. Number is there. Ron Hedrich will have EXACTLY what you crave. EXACTLY. I promise.
Nordost definitely should be tried...I have found their designs to fall into the flawed camp.  Not balanced in their presentation.
Another vote for transparent cables if you can start at at least the G5 plus or ultra or better.  
Sablon cables Panatela Reserva has all those points checked. You gotta to listen to it. 
I have been floored by the Omega Mikro Interconnects and Speaker cables. The soundstage and space between instruments are hypnotic.
No pets or sticky fingers though, they are fragile!