Wall Receptacle Oyaide R0, Furutech GTX-G and SR Black UEF

Hi there been searching around for some good receptacles as I am about to do some reno work for a dedicated room and I have narrowed down to these 3 brands based on what I have read in the web and on the availability within my reach. 

I am thinking of getting one of them but problem is, it is not easy to do a comparison specifically to these 3 series and I have not read so far anyone doing a comparison for specifically the oyaide R0 receptacle which is an unplated version of R1. 

So I am asking here for some help if anyone have had the privilege trying them all in their setup? I have read the thread on this forum "SR red fuse" started by Oregonpapa touching on the SR blacks receptacle with David pritchard comments on it which is btw a very good and informative thread and I have ordered the SR black fuse for my amp based on their reviews and other members too who have pitched in too.

There lots of other kinds of receptacles around and I am aware there are some that do not believe with those uber expensive receptacles performing better than a hospital grade receptacle but then this hobby is full of surprises and voodoos that over the years have made me a believer.
A little detail on my setup I am using ARC's (ref150,ref 6 and cd 9) paired up with SF Guarneri EVO's. As for cables am using full loom Transparent Ultra MM2 hooked on to my QB8 which is using Frey 2 power cable to my wattgate wall receptacle.
With the R0 installed, I had the same epiphany as when I added the Entreq Powerus Challenger:

There's more to redbook CD than I ever imagined.

It appears as though the other outlets are obscuring/smearing the low level details that are present with the R0 installed.
Macdude how many hours in are you with the R0? Does it emphasise more on certain frequency range in your system or does it sound tonally balanced? I am always worried when any of this upgrades causes a tonal change.
I'm up to 1 week. So not at the 2 week mark yet.

It's hard to gauge these changes, but I would have to say the R0 is in a class of it's own.

It is detailed. The resolution and soundstage is something you have to hear firsthand.

And it does sound tonally different to me than the Maestro and GTX-D rhodium.

Tonality is something I can't gloss over. If I don't like it, I just won't listen to it.
Nmmusicman, I guess you have the power isolation part covered!

I have my Entreq Powerus and Olympus on a Stillpoints ESS stand.
Interestingly I tried Tidal streaming with a modified Sonos Connect and all the painstaking investments in power, isolation , and grounding weren't that apparent with the Sonos.

Went back to CD playback and it's all there in it's glory.