VPI JMW 12.7 Spindle/pivot distance

I purchased a new VPI JMW 12.7 Tonearm and I intend to install on my Micro Seiki RX-1500G.
I appreciate if someone can give me the distance between the pivot and spindle, since the VPI provides no info on her Tonearms which is a shame on the contrary unlike other top manufacturers that provide this type of information that is crucial.

Thank you.

If it's like my JMW 10 - and it looks like it is in photos - there should be a set screw on the left side, just below the height adjust knob. You can adjust the arm to spindle distance by rotating the arm base. I used the JMW jig and snugged the base into the jigs "vee"

Only the original JMW 10 and 12 arms had a "dog leg" support that could be pivoted to adjust for S2P distance. 12.5 and 12.7 arms have a fixed support, therefore, you will need to adjust the entire base to achieve the proper S2P distance.
@Brf You are right!

One of many reasons VPI made "NO" significant performance improvements after the original JMW 10 and 12, IMO.

The originals are also easier to adjust, and therefore optimize the setup. The dropped counterweight is a PITA!
Its absolutely nuts, all a person needs to mount the arm is the spindle to pivot distance and you can't find that anywhere......JUST THE MEASUREMENT......not all the B.S......We live in a time where we know everything and really know nothing....autospec