Joule Electra preamps and amps. What is your impression?

Never auditioned them. Thinking about replacing my SS integrated. Lamm, VAC etc. are out of reach.  Also, how would Joule preamp work with some SS amp, say, Rowland # 2 or older Pass or something like that ?
My Redgum integrated is very dynamic with excellent drive and bass so I won't sacrifice that even for a more natural and sophisticated.
I owned the VZN-80 Musicwood edition for 8 years. Wonderful sound, very present and immediate, with rich, full bodied tone. Had to sell it because of the heat. My music room was remodeled and I am now sharing it with the rest of my family. No way they would put up with the heat, nor would I expect them to. Prior to the remodel, I had the amp in an unused bathroom, which has since been demolished, and ran the cables through an adjoining wall to my music room, which helped me deal with the heat. If I could still keep the amp in a separate room, I would still own it.

My Joule amp was a labour of love, in that I often had to tinker with it. Buzzing and humming would arise, much more than any other amp that I have owned, but always I was able to diagnose the issue. Usually it was an output tube that needed to be replaced, or an output tube needed to be re-biased, or DC offset needed to be adjusted. A couple times I just had to re-route a cable and the noise would go away - that was puzzling to me as I never had to do that with the other amps that I owned, but hey, the solution worked. When the amp was quiet, meaning it was operating with just a very faint touch of tube hiss, it was glorious. Just as a point of reference, a VAC 70/70 amplifier was noisier in my system than my VZN-80, but my Coincident Frankensteins that I currently use are quieter.

Output tubes are $40-$60 each. The price adds up if replacing 8 tubes or more. There was a Russian seller offering them for $20, but he didn't have any left last I checked three years ago. The driver tubes can be inexpensive, or you could go for NOS tubes, some of which can cost way more than the output tubes. Didn't have to replace the driver tubes until the amp was 7 years old.

I also owned the LA-150MKII preamp, a very nice match with the amp. Never had a problem with it. Loved the touch of richness it added to the sound, without compromising the presence and immediateness that I prized. Stock tubes were still going strong when I sold it.
I was going to recommend that you get in touch with Thaluza via email. I glad he saw your thread. I trust his listening impressions and judgement. 
Thaluza, thank you very much. So..great sound but possible problems with noise. No problems with preamps. Could be "labour of love" indeed. Since the tubes last a very long time this should not be much of a concern, I just don't want to pay $200/$300 per tube when I need at least ten or twelve of them.
In any case, within the next two/three years I would like to be in a process of replacing my SS phono and the integrated amp with all tube pieces or at least getting tube phono and preamp and maybe SS amp. Phono may actually come first.
Thank you Charles for the compliment.

Inna, another thing to consider is that Jud Barber, the sole proprietor of Joule Electra, has retired. If you ever need service, you will have to look elsewhere.

I see you are asking whether the preamp will work well with solid state amps. I did own a solid state amp at the same time that I owned the LA-150MKII, a Belles Reference 150a. The LA-150MKII was a nice match with the Belles solid state amp, with a relatively big soundstage and a non-edgy presentation, but not as three dimensional and immediate sounding as the VZN-80. The VZN-80 also had a larger, more fleshed out sound than the Belles. I thought of other reasonably priced solid state amps that might sound good with the LA-150MKII, ones from McCormack and Pass in particular, but never got around to trying any of them.