Love for music shatter by highend equipment

Music is life, I rather be blind then deaf. It's pretty sad when I realize that my love for music was shatter by high-end equipment. I have friends that refuse to listen to music because it’s not coming from a high-end system. It’s ridiculous that throw away CDs because the record is not to their standard and they won't listen to it. As a result they listen to only a few CD over and over..and over..... They don't listen to the radio. They don't listen to the stereo in their car. What is going on, could it be the mind playing tricks. After all we are spending $50,000 on a system, and it could make us forget that, "Its all about listening to the music". I have to admit, this high end world is an enigma..

Lots of us used to drink Boones Farm wine back in the good old days. Nobody ever complained that it didn't taste very good or that it wasn't enjoyable. 

Lots of us used to drink Boones Farm wine back in the good old days. Nobody ever complained that it didn't taste very good or that it wasn't enjoyable.

Lord have mercy.  Boone's Farm is the wine world's equivalent of a rusty mattress spring under electronics.  Good old days....meaning what?  Under the bridge in brown paper bags?

Stereophile just posted an article I felt matches a lot of my experience with "audiophiles" vs. music lovers in the 1994 review of the Proac 1S

The author's wife is kind of me. :) Not that I would ever marry a reviewer.
audio equipment influence people listening habits.Cheap equipment usually is tuned sound good with pop music,tube equipment with classic music and etc...Once you hear how good some music sounds on lets say expensive gear is really difficult to listen in car or radio