'outboard' high end dac's

Can anyone recommend an 'outboard' dac to be used in conjunction with an Oppo 105d (sabre 9018 chip), which might improve on the somewhat thin sound of the Oppo, improve on the (decreased relative to the Oppo) clarity noted when a Denon 1713ud (BB chip) was A/B'd with the Oppo, and decodes DSD and PCM formats?
Hi !

So you are in luck. :)  The 105 (but not the 103) has USB 2.0 outputs! :)

That means you can use any USB 2.0 DAC that is described as "driverless" for Linux or OSX.  Of course, you can also use the regular SPDIF outputs as well, but most DAC's will have higher jitter.

I really like latest Mytek, but I am not sure if Oppo outputs DSD via USB or not, I have not tried it.  Other good USB 2.0  options I like are Schiit..... well that's all I've heard lately. :)  I've heard good things about the Ayre Codex.

A good budget USB solution is the Fiio X5. I don't like it via headphones so much but the line level outputs are outstanding and it will do DSD.

I'm sure others will chip in as well.



My Rega DAC makes beautiful music (with my 105), and has a reasonable cost.
+1 for Schiit DAC's.
You should call them/email them regarding the DCD/PSM issue-which I have no knowledge of.
Though I can say, they are very reasonably priced and perform as well as higher priced products.