Sonos Connect Wyred4Sound Mod Any Good?

Any owners of of the Connect with the mod ever compare to other high end streamers for SQ?
 I have a yggy that is connected to Sonos connect and wonder if it is worthwhile to get the wyred4sound mod done or move on to a another streaming option.  
I checked the reclocks that was a good idea to be able to compare. Seems it up samples to 96kHz.  Schiit customer support said not to upsample need to let the burrito filter take care of it.   The less equipment in the chain was also a strong recommendation.  

The latest Sonos update was awesome. It is great to see them actively enhancing the front lend and easily delivering updates.   

Yes for the Sonos they can set sample rate but I'll give them a call for the reclocker
@psickerson you said "the latest Sonos update was awesome" - which update do you mean?