Integrated for Vandersteen 2ce sigII

A quick question. I'm thinking of purchasing the above said speakers and was wondering what everyone's thoughts are about using my Marantz pm8004 or would a different integrated  amp be a better fit. Thanks
I am planning on upgrading both the speakers and amp but I decided to do this over time instead all at once so I guess what I'm trying to decide is which to start with. 
  Has anyone had any experience with David Belles amps? The integrated was suggested by JohnnyR ? I've looked up the dealership directory and the closest dealer is over three hours away. 
I agreed with your thinking regarding the purchase of the used Vandys. This will allow you to experience the Vandy signature sound (an yes the new version will provide more of it with greater detail) while providing time to consider upgrade options. Sorry about the Marantz issue, I also thought using it was a good choice.

Given that you are happy with the used Vandys, I would focus on an integrated that mates well with them. You might consider purchase of one comparable to your Marantz on the used market for the short term to allow time to assess the Vandy sound. One concern is that when it comes time to upgrade speakers you might find ones you want that have a different sonic signature and represent a different load to an amplifier. Thus not the best for your 'current' amp. Of course this would not be a problem if you choose the Vandy II sigs. Buying use will allow you to replace components at minimal expenditure and buy you time to make best choices down the road. Hey, you just might keep the used Vandys for some time.

I'd like to add this tidbit of info. When I went searching for an amplifier, a local hi-end dealer sold me a pair of Vandersteen 2CE Sig II speakers after two long listening sessions. I left without an amp even though he sold Leben, ARC and Shindo gear. After awhile he called me to say he had added another brand he was excited about because they designed gear based on the old Western Electric company in the US. When I went for a listen I really liked the sound and thought it was better than ARC. The company is Line Magnetic Audio. FWIW and as always, one must listen for oneself.
Mesch- I appreciate you hanging in on the thread. I am sold on the Vandersteens and will eventually purchase the sig II in the not so distant future. My dilemma is the integrated amp. I'm really interested in the vsi60 and the belles aria but neither are at my disposal to listen to. It would require a day trip or weekend. So any and all recommendationsorts are very much welcome. 

2psyop- thank you for throwing another option my way. I will definitely look into line magnetic. Thanks
Thanks, I enjoyed the ride. I owned the original model IIs, made in 1977 I believe. I bought them in 1986 and kept them for 8 years. I have heard the later models however not the II Sigs. I always thought them to be a great all around speaker, almost full range, very musical, good soundstage, kind to all forms of music. Knowing you are 'sold' on the II Sigs makes amplifier shopping much easier. Search out the amp you wish to pair with the II Sigs, it well serve the earlier versions well till you upgrade.

I have not had a chance to hear anywhere near the possibilities in the 2-3K price range. However, about 4 years back I owned a Vincent Audio 226 integrated, little brother to the 236. The latest version on the market is the 237. These are hybrid models, tube pre and SS power amp. I wish I never sold my 226, a great sounding amp. Many positive comments found on this forum for both the 236 and 237. Actually a couple recent thread concerning the 237. They all lack a phonostage however.

A friend of mine has the original Rogue Cronus Magnum driving a pair of PSB Signature 1s.  I think that is a very good all tube integrated. Latest version is model II. Rouge has a reputation of being very good to work with. 

Good luck in your search!