Sonos Connect Wyred4Sound Mod Any Good?

Any owners of of the Connect with the mod ever compare to other high end streamers for SQ?
 I have a yggy that is connected to Sonos connect and wonder if it is worthwhile to get the wyred4sound mod done or move on to a another streaming option.  
This nagging technical question stopped me Friday from pressing submit of the Wyred mod upgrade.  

Is there any value in using a device (Emperical Audio) that says it performs Asynchronous Sample-Rate conversion between a music streamer and the yggy. Or is this redundant if the yggy is already performing the resampling to improve and reduce the jitter? Maybe this is one of the things yggy does that is responsible for its massive adoption.  

Isn't the Sonos basically doing the same thing as the Emperical device and my yggy DAC would already be doing this?

the yggy will not reduce jitter as well as the Wyred or Empirical upgrades...becomes a question of how much improvement you want and how much you want to spend...I would not use the standard Sonos with a quality DAC...tried it...
thanks jl35 I would for sure get the Sonos modified,
But  yggdraisal has Schiit's AdaptiClock proprietary technology that takes the stream and reduces the jitter as long as it is not too bad.  
Otjer  DACs may not have this ability

Just can't  seem to find anyone that has a Sonos and yggy that later did the mod to see if there was an SQ improvement or if it is just redundant. 

Just how how much the yggy can clean up the Sonos stream is the ?. $ 550 to find out I guess
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