Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
wlutke- I agree with you, I like my 3A Sig's but after reading what hifiman wrote I will look into the Treo's and Quatros. My other thought was if the sound of those don't tickle my fancy then I would look into the original 5's. I'm thinking it would be keeping with the original Vandersteen sound but give me more of the lower end my 22' X 33' room deserves. By original Vandersteen sound I'm talking about the number speakers not the worded speakers.
Right now I'm working on multiple subs (currently have 3 each 2Wq's) similar to the Swarm set-up just using Vandersteen subs. After that will move up from there, where ever up is from there.
I also need to get my system updated as hifiman made me realize I haven't been keeping it updated.
@ig316b I just looked at your virtual system.  You have a very well thought-out rig with high quality gear.  Seeing your system, if you do decide to move to the Treo CT, with Three! 2wq in your expansive space, you will be able to realize the high level of sophisticated sound that your gear is capable of. slam whatsoever on the 3A Sigs. it's just that once you hear what the more advanced drivers and crossover of the Treo CT deliver, you will be joyous at hearing the rest of your quality system for the first time.
All the best!

It's also good to see folks using the Vandersteen woofers with the Vandy speakers.  They are designed to work together.  Personally, I'd get the Treo or Treo CT's and use the woofers you have.  You will move a lot of air and have better sound.  The CT's are the way to go if you can afford them.  They would sound better than the original 5's.  Keep us posted.

ig316b -

I'm with you.  I like the Treo but sadly no subs allowed in my room.