Speakers with external parts, gimmicks or serious?

So I’ve seen, very rarely, speakers that allowed users to change the crossovers by swapping parts. Some by having external hookups to a resistor or capacitor. This isn't just having an external crossover, but having the crossover specifically designed to swap parts in and out. Kind of like some of the high end phono preamps that require jumpers or parts to be swapped.

In theory this would give a lot of flexibility in treble balance but also sound quality. What do you think, would this be a real game changer, or is it better to have this control elsewhere.


just another marketing gimmick.
in any speaker you can change internal crossover components. making them external identical to detachable power cord is only i guess for silly.

Crossover parts options are currently available from kit suppliers like Madisound.  For manufacturers of finished goods, such options would likely be counter-productive to marketing their speakers as painstakingly voiced to perfection...   
I believe Wilson provides resistor kits to allow the user to tailor the frequency response to some degree.  Nothing new.