Phono Pre with volume control?

I've recently gone to a system with turntable as only source.I wanted to eliminate full function preamp.Is anyone aware of a high quality stand alone phono preamp with volume control?
Ditto on the Aesthetix Io with volume controls. I had mine for ~4-5 years. I haven't needed pre-amp to provide an additional gain stage. Highly recommended not only for its musical production, but Jim White of Aesthetix really gives great customer service. $7K is a lot, but its worth it.
If your willing to pay the price; a Manley StealheadĀ @ $8500.00 fits the bill. I have a Steelhead bought in '07. Just talked to the Manley folks this week; if you can find a used one ; remote volume control can be retrofitted . I am currently driving a pair of Pass Lab 160.8s to very good effect with the Steelhead. Like it better than the Spectral electronics that are now on the market
Concerning the Steelhead ; 9yrs old but spent 4yrs in its box while rehabbing new house. It is still DEAD QUITE!!!!! With Original Stock Tubes!!!!.