Must speakers have certain volume to sound convincing ?

Panels have no volume, yet some like them a lot. Horns are, well, horns. Small dynamic speakers never impress me, that's for sure. 
What do you think?

I particularly like horns because they can sound dynamic, lively, and satisfying at quite low volume levels.  It is just a guess, but, I bet that is part of the reason they are so popular in Japan where everyone lives close together and no one wants to offend or inconvenience their neighbors. 

I think there are quite a few panel speakers that sound VERY realistic and are capable of playing at respectably high volume levels.  I would never categorically exclude them from ANY list for any particular performance parameter, except perhaps, compatibility with very low-powered tube amps (Quad 54 fans might disagree on this exception).  Can soundlab U-1s rock, or Sanders Sound Model 10 or almost any Maggie? You bet they can.

I guess everyone hears things differently, but one of the greatest impressions a speaker has ever left on me was Stan Getz's sax and Astrud Gilberto's voice on Girl from Ipanema as reproduced by large SoundLab panels.  I'm not sure what Inna considers "sounding like real music", but that sure convinced me.

FWIW, I spend a few hours a day with an acoustic guitar in hand or (less commonly) seated at a piano.  I do have the reference at hand on a daily basis.
Well, Getz's sax and even more Gilberto's voice don't impress me regardless of speakers.
Everyone hears differently or processes what is heard differently? Assuming good hearing, of course.
Hello Roxy54, 
You clearly  appreciate both panel and horn speakers.  Which would you choose to build a system around if you could only have one?
I suspect it has a lot to do with how much damage your ears have sustained.