Looking for SACD player............

I’m replacing my Marantz SA8100. Looking at new Marantz SA8500. Anything else new or used  in that price range I should be looking at? Thanks.
I know Modwright has been doing mods for a long time and get great reviews but I would be very reluctant to spend much money on mods as you NEVER get a good return on resale.
Well, I bought an SA8005 and sent it directly to Modwright for full on modifications. I'm fourth in line so it shouldn't take very long. It's more than I was planning on spending but this will more than likely be my last player as I'm getting "long in the tooth" as the old saying goes. I'll post back when I get it. Thanks for the participation folks.
Yes, Dan does good work; and I agree with @samzx12 . Mods are not good investments if one is looking for a decent return on resale. I found that out when I went to resell my first TRL-modded CD player. Folks will not pay much above the stock resell price (40% - 70% of new ... depending on age). This is especially true when the used modded player is priced much above the "new" price of the latest iteration for the same brand.

But if the goal is to extract the absolute best sound from a piece of gear, then that's another matter altogether. Besides Modwright, I have a couple of other pieces modified by Joseph Chow (Audio Horizon). Is the next person going to be willing to pay me for what those guys did? Probably not. But I have thoroughly enjoyed the sound and how the mods improved my listening experience. So it's been worth it.   

Modwright gives the option of tube mods or solid state mods for the SA 80005. Which did you order?

Strateahed                     10/6/16   

"Is the next person going to be willing to pay me for what those guys did? Probably not. But I have thoroughly enjoyed the sound and how the mods improved my listening experience. So it's been worth it"

This is exactly the result I am hoping for.