Tube dampeners on ARC gear ... FREE TWEAK

Here's a cheap (free) tweak for owners of ARC gear using the black tube dampeners. If you move both dampeners as far up toward the top of the tube as possible without having the top one fall off, taking care that both dampeners are solidly touching each other, you will get better dynamics, bass, mids, highs and a lower noise floor. Try it ... you'll like it.
I think it's worth mentioning that for larger tubes like 6SN7 and large rectifier tubes such as the coke bottle Tung Sol, a second Herbies damper placed on the base of the tube will further improve upon the first damper (which should be located on the glass portion wherever the getter is located. For bottom getters the damper should be placed on the bottom of the glass.

Very useful information in this thread. I've been contemplating buying Herbies Dampers for my ARC Ref 75SE and Modwright 36.5. It's good to hear the favourable reports.

I have always believed the standard position for a damper is about 1/3 down from the top of the tube, that's any tube. It seems it's more complicated.

I do love the ARC, but it doesn't have a hewn from a billet of Aluminium
 case, the top plate is pretty flimsy. When I contact Herbie for the rings, I was contemplating some Tenderfeet and a couple of Supersonic Stabilisers for the top plate. Has anyone had good or bad experiences with these. I tried HRS top plates and couldn't hear any difference. At least Herbies are reasonably priced.

Audiolover ...

Thanks for the VERY well written report on the Herbie dampeners. Your experience isn't unlike what I've experienced with other tweaks that reduce micro vibrations throughout the system.

What you've described is akin to getting closer to the sound of real instruments playing live in the room. Whenever I listen to live music, I try to compare it to what I hear in my system. This includes live concerts ... and my town's high school marching band at Friday night football games. (yep, I'm totally hooked on high school football.) 

What I notice with the live music is that it is really laid back compared to reproduced music in the home. Very natural sounding. No blare ... or "cringe factor," if you will. You're right about "seeming lower rez." That's what I hear with live music ... even when playing at its loudest, it still has a relaxed sense to it. 

You've got me really curious about the Herbies now.

David 12 ...

I have the ARC Ref-75 SE too. Just as a suggestion, exchange the stock fuse with a Synergistic Research Black fuse. The KT-150 is a great tube and allows for that "low grain" presentation and the good dynamics. BUT, what I thought was a close to a grain-free amp, was transformed with the SR Black fuse. Give it 50-100 hours to break in and you'll be amazed. Here's a link:

Thanks for the information on the Herbies goodies, guys. 



I just learned from Steve at Herbies that the original halos may not tolerate the heat from a 6h30, and "may not hold up in the long run" therefore I will remove them and put the rings back on for now.  He did suggest the rx 9.