2 channel priority in HT Processor...who's is best

Thank you for input, guidance and help.

I have:

Sunfire TG IV processor

Pass Labs X-1 Preamp

2 channel system is PS Audio Classic 250 amp into ML Prodigy via the Pass preamp

HT is two Sunfire 400 x 5 amps into 3 pair Script I and one pair Clarity.

Sources are primarily Logitech Transport, Oppo 95, Video signal from cable company via HDMI.

I like to utilize the Prodigy in the HT system, and also incorporate the HT system into multi-channel listening sessions (via OPPO 95), music is PRIORITY...movies secondary.

I have no HDMI switching capabilities, but use a 61" Mits DLP tv and for movies and NFL i have a Mits HC 4900 projector to Firehawk.

I would like to get a pre-processor that can replace BOTH the Pass and the Sunfire and allow me to have a single point of control over the whole system. Other components i would like to replace would be the PS Audio DAC III i use off the Logitech Transport. It seems that The Classe (800) seems to allow different configurations to be stored, which would be wonderful, but after spending a good deal of the last 48 hours reading the forums, it seems that the INTEGRA 80.3 may be a good (and $6000) less costly alternate.

Do you know of any pre-processor that can deliver 2 channel as good as the Pass X-1, with HDMI pass or switching (two outputs required).

Classical reference is symphony we go to 8-10 times per year, some jazz, some rock, no rap. Just about anything well recorded.

Thank you so very much!

Thank you for the input. I would love to have the Bryston. But it would be in the $11,000 range which is not over the rainbow, it is the rainbow...cant wrap my head around that much for a pre/processor.

I will look into the Theta product as recommended. It is a wonderful piece to see and hear, maybe a contender. I would want to incorporate the HDMI board as i am looking for a complete solution.

Edorr...Thank you too, i have even considered this route. Considering the W4S as the DAC with analog, could run a good deal through it.

Audiojan, thank you, i will seek out the Mcintosh and take a look. I have not considered McIntosh until now, and will see how it would fit. Need to find a dealer. Krell will be investigated too.

Thank you to all who responded. I am trying to keep it under $7000 and would consider lightly used.

We live in rural area of Ventura county here in Calif. It is difficult to even find a dealer, let alone not have to drive 100+ miles round trip. I have written to two dealers listed on the Classe web site in Santa Barbara, but have not heard back from either.

Wishing you all well and to have fun with the hobby!

Looking at the McIntosh, Theta, Krell...All around $12,000. Yikes! makes the Classe 800 reasonable at only $8,000. How i wish price were not a topic!

Additionally, the Krell pictures i saw had only one HDMI output, i really need two so i am not adding a switcher (have one already, want to lose it).

For that kind of dough, i would be all over the Bryston as this may be the last of its ilk i purchase, the warranty they offer is vastly superior!

Still in the hunt!

Loren, if you insist on a one box solution, want to keep this below 10k and don't mind a few trips to the Fedex office, you could get the Theta CBIII with 2 x extreme cards this is listed for 6K and get it upgraded to HDMI (street price for the upgrade is below 4K).

I used a CBIII with Xtreme cards for 2 channel myself for a while and it is very good (bested my audio note DAC). You could even recoup $1,500 by offering to trade your 2nd Xtreme card (which you really don't need for subs / surround) for a premium with $1,500 in cash. This would get you very close to your $7,000 budget.

I have swapped 4 Theta DAC cards in and out of my CBIII and it works just fine, and there will be happy takers for your XTreme cards.

I have not heard many SSPs myself, but the Theta loyalist keep telling spreading the word there is nothing better for 2 channel music through a SSP.
Loren, I recommend you try Evolution Audio & Video in Agoura Hills. Also there's a well known dealer off Topanga Canyon Road just north of 101, but I can't recall the name. If you cal E A&V, I'm sure they'll tell you the name.

I think Kal has recommended the preamp with processor passthrough route in the past, because processor technology changes frequently whereas preamp design is pretty stable. Something like an Integra 80.3 with a good preamp might be a smart, if more complicated, choice. I didn't go there because of the complication, and instead went with the buggy Cary 11a because I got such a good deal from a private source on a great sounding processor.

Seems like you're gonna pay a lot to equal or better the Pass preamp for 2-channel duties with an HT processor. Maybe I'm missing something, but why not just route the front L/R pre outs from the Sunfire processor to another input on the Pass (or to its HT passthru if it has it) and you're done. It's not a one-box solution, but if you have a universal remote all you need to do is switch inputs on the Pass for HT/surround music (and possibly adjust the volume control if no HT passthru) and you're good to go. Again, maybe I'm missing the point, but seems like you're gonna have to pay a pretty big premium just to get rid of one box that really doesn't take up that much space to begin with. If I'm missing the boat on this please just disregard.