Tube dampeners on ARC gear ... FREE TWEAK

Here's a cheap (free) tweak for owners of ARC gear using the black tube dampeners. If you move both dampeners as far up toward the top of the tube as possible without having the top one fall off, taking care that both dampeners are solidly touching each other, you will get better dynamics, bass, mids, highs and a lower noise floor. Try it ... you'll like it.
bdp24 ...

You're gonna be amazed. Please post your results here. Thanks ...


You are killing me:)  First, I ordered the black fuse after reading your post.  Then the ARC rings and now the Herbie's.  I will probably wait a little for the Herbies.  Thanks and appreciate your feedback.  Happy listening.

^^^  *lol* ... I don't want to kill you Allan.

Its  just that I've been in this hobby for so many years ... since the early 70's in fact. That's how long I've been in the audio hobby chasing better sound, but I've been collecting music since the middle 50's.

When I find a tweak that really works, like the SR Black fuses, or the SR "High Frequency Transducers" (HFT's), and now Herbie's tube dampeners, my cup runs over with enthusiasm. Its fun to share the information with like minded individuals. 

Another tweak I want to try is Herbie's "Black Hole" CD mat. I'll have to call them to find out if its compatible with the top loading ARC CD7-SErst.
Geoff... the wind noise rushing past the tubes cannot be good. Think about it.