California Audio Labs – Icon Mk II CD Player - HDCD

Did all the Icon Mk II players with HDCD have PowerBoss?  Or are there some Mk II players with HDCD but not PowerBoss?

And how do you tell?

I guess I like this player quite well since it is about as good as Oppo's 103 (tho it lacks features like SACD, DVDs, or ability to stream).  The display is very comprehensive tho hard to read.

I have never compared it to a current $2000 to $3,000 digital front end, but if we reached a plateau in redbook CD playback 20 years ago for the better players like this one, then that money should go into better speakers, room treatments etc.

I am likely to buy a universal player in the near future, mainly just to reduce clutter on the stereo cabinet, and the # of remotes involved.  I'll either move the Cal Audio downstairs in the bedroom or sell it.

BTW, it plays into the following system: Sonic frontiers Line One pre; Sunfire amp; Maggie 1.5QRs.  I sometimes patch in a DacMagic but usually use that to decode Apple Lossless files coming over Wifi via an Apple TV3