Trafomatic Audio Reference 300B monos

Has anyone heard the Trafomatic Audio products ? I am particularly interested in their reference monoblocks which are parallel 300B SETs. I am looking to replace my Wavac EC-300B with something more powerful. The Trafomatic reference mono looks like a very well designed amp with very good specs. I am looking for some listener's feedback on them.
Hi mechans, I have tried the Tenor OTL 75 after that. It was amazing but was under powered for my speakers. I am now looking at the Zanden Model 6000.

I have looked at big tubes. 845 amps just doesnt cut it for me. 211 does but good amps using 211 are very expensive. 6c33c is another tube which is a very good candidate to be used as SETs though they are not directly heated. I will need 30 watts SET which is rare. I may contact Sasa Cokic at Trafomatic Audio to build me one if I persue it further.
And Sasa is one of the nicest guys on this market.
I have Kalayvala mon,o block on loan for 2 months and
sent it back to him because I preferred Ocellia 300 B;
He's been absolutely nice and I bought from him a
headphones amplifier.