Silent Source cables-Need advice regarding customer service or lack of--

Guys- to make a long story short- I purchased the Music Ref. cables from Frank Dickens- After a week of emails and no responses he finally sent them after I was about to cancel my credit card- Great Cables- I just broke an RCA and Frank said to send it back- I overnighted them and have heard nothing since- I even wanted to purchase a longer length- Finally after a few weeks he emailed and said his computer cratered but would get to my cable by the end of the week- that was 2 weeks ago and still has not returned any of my many emails- i needed this cable back for X-mas holidays- Any suggestions as to what to do- It is very disappointing after spending many thousands of dollars with someone and wanting to possibly spend more to have zero communication in almost a month and around 10 email requests- I really hate to write this type of post but really need some advice as I want my cable back - thanks for the advice and have a Happy Holiday to all!!!
This brand of cables/cords are real sleepers, especially, at used/demo prices.
Yeah, I bought a pair of The Music Reference interconnects from fluffers, the OP, about 2 months ago.
Very nice cables indeed. I have them running between ARC Ref 5 preamp and Pass Labs XA-100.5 amps.

Frank is very difficult to contact, I can vouch for that. Great cables though.
Hi all,

I am very impressed with how each of you responded to this frustrating situation, especially the OP. 

Best to you all,
As above- jmcgrogan2-

for any queries/issues reach out and touch John Fort. He works very closely w/ Frank.

It is good to read that you have discovered SS cabling. I was thoroughly impressed w/ these cables/power cords during my visit w/ John Fort Audio about 2 years ago. During my listening sessions, Silent Source (SS) does play very well w/ other brands, more on target with, Wireworld and Signal Cable, as one can mix and match to taste.

Happy Listening!