
Hello friends 
I am looking for interconnects from my disc player to preamp. My system consists of:
Parasound A 21 amp
Pass Labs XP 10 preamp 
Cyrus CDi disc player 
Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers 
There are so many options and prices, I don't know where to begin. I'm looking around a $500 price point. I look forward to your advice 

It's worth to try clear day cables, they are good.Paul is a very nice guy to deal with.although cerious cables are also worth trying, I have read good review, I have the Columbia it's also on sale,at music direct it's a good one.

<Purist dealer disclaimer>

Purist Audio Design Musaeus interconnect sounds awesome, great balance, detail, super quiet background, etc.  :-) 

In my system the Audioquest Cheetah works best between CDP and preamp. I use Wywires Platinum between pre and power amp. A match made in heaven.
" In my system the Audioquest Cheetah works best between CDP and preamp."

Same here. I can't get the silver to sound good between an amp and preamp. It always sounds like the highs are detached, or separated from the rest of the music. I have to use a copper cable.