Odyssey owners chime in

Reliable, amazing, UNreliable, problems, sound, enough juice to drive speakers?
clipping, no clipping, high volume deterioration of sound, or just outstanding control of woofers, at any volume??

kismet or kismet hybrid extreme.  Need input , please, honest, input, not fanboy praise, real life truths.
my old pair not selling, considering upgrade to kismet or full kismet stratos hybrid with extra caps.

help is appreciated
I purchased an HT3 (with cap upgrade) in 2006.  First, there was a hum issue.  With Klaus's assistant on the phone, I removed an internal ground wire.  Hum issue fixed.  A few months in, one of the caps went bad.  It was replaced for free under warranty, but I did have to pay to ship this 64lb. beast out to Minnesota.  Since then, it has been trouble free, and sounds absolutely fabulous.  I leave it powered up all the time unless I am going to be away from home for a while.  It runs moderately warm, but AFAIK, that's typical of the 3-channel models.
Odyssey, good reliable amps that are endowed with a high-end sound for a lot less money. Their is very little to criticize about build or sound quality. I haven't seen any for sale in a while. But it is important to mention here that selling most audio gear has been slow. To be competitive you should ask less then blue book for a quicker sale.
One other thing when running an ad, focus on the positive, don't mention negatives unless there is something obviously wrong that should be mentioned. Good luck!
I've had my kismet monos less than a year but they sound better than my two previous power amps by a lot..  very reliable so far, no power on or off thump and I've looked inside and it's assembled very nicely