Do ClassDAudio Amps Have Proper Decay Of Notes?

I'm interested in the ClassDAudio kits. Has anyone tried them? I had a tripath amp once and it had a liquid, detailed quality that I liked but it was too fast with the decay so ultimately sounded a bit fake, even with a tube pre. Full-bodied, lush, but too fast. I've heard the Hypex modules from Holland have nailed the decay issue but they're miles out of my price range. Just wondering if the ClassDAudio kits are close in terms of decay.

Yes as Ralph has corrected about class D classification not being digital.

Also the "digital noise" I believe is an analog switching noise and is around 600-800khz, too low to be effectively completely filtered out of the audio band without effecting it with early hf roll off.

The new Technics SE-R1 with their new proprietary transistors takes this switching noise up to 1.5mhz which is a step in the right direction.

But from those in the know the switching noise needs to be up around 3-5mhz to make the filtering completely effective, and not to intrude into the >audio band at all, then it will take Class D into proper hi-end amplification.

That’s when I’ll sell my hot inefficient heavy boat anchors and also go Class D, and the smart linear amp manufactures will have their fingers on the "sell my business button" before this this technology comes along for anyone to source these new super fast transistors, or compete with the Chinese.

Cheers George

["Just so we are clear here, class D is not digital. Its an analog process."]


I believe there was one self described "Digital" amplifier but I can't recall the brand. I didn't refer to any class D amplifier as digital.  Some reviewers have used examples of stepped digital waveforms to describe or imply what the typical, or some, switching amplifiers using pules width modulators are outputting. 

My QSC PLX 2400 Bass rig amplifier has a switching power supply that makes a hell of a mechanical noise but it can't be heard in the output. I may be getting too old but unless we're talking about substantial difference in the amplifiers basic presentation I have yet to hear any class D amplifier produce switching noise.

I just aquired an sds-470c upg
tested for 10h on different gear
it sound clean aire and tight bass.
+It seems that support is not honored!
Just to throw out a thought -- shouldn't whatever "decay" a musical sound possesses be solely on the recording? And isn't it the job of the equipment in the playback chain to simply reflect, as accurately as possible, what's on the recording? 

Decay is the remainder of a note as it fades away. For an amp to mess that up, it means the amp is either non-linear in some fashion, or has distortion that masks lower level sounds, or noise (another form of distortion) that is masking the signal as it decreases in volume. 

You'd think those deficiencies would show up in more areas of playback than just decay quality.

I've got a Bel Canto C5i and I find it wonderfully neutral.