Any News on MQA Lately?

Earlier in the year there was lots of "buzz" about MQA, especially when it was reported that Tidal would be streaming the format.

Since then it seems like Tidal might be shopping itself for a possible sale, maybe to Apple?

I'm not seeing much MQA "buzz" on the web lately.
Tidal sale is over, Apple was just conducting competitive research to see if they posed a threat to iTunes. It didn't so they  had no reason to buy it.

Tidal hasn't done anything on MQA since then.

Stereophile ran an article online a month or so ago explaining that it was hibernating, but that Warner (or some other label) was busy converting their entire back-catalog to MQA.

I've listened to several MQA recordings and find them no better or worse than redbook. Claims of it improving anything in a recording are, as far as I am concerned snake oil and mysticism.


Hi Eric
Would you be able too describe the decoder you were using or heard and if the recorded material was identified by the decoder/player as being MQA files. 
I was hoping that the MQA format would result in overall better recordings, not that I am anxious to start over or replace a lot of my current media.  Even though my best source is my Turntable, I am not a advocate of any one particular media. I believe that all source equipment are recording dependent.  I do believe that if all steps in the analogue process are of the highest caliber, that vinyl has the advantage, but with this in mind, I have a lot of poorly recorded LP's and superbly recorded CD's / DSD/SACD. I was disappointed to hear your observation of MQA files, I was hoping that process would improve the overall sonic quality of recordings and be a reliable source for quality recordings. I guess I will have to listen for myself,  but do value your opinion 
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