Any News on MQA Lately?

Earlier in the year there was lots of "buzz" about MQA, especially when it was reported that Tidal would be streaming the format.

Since then it seems like Tidal might be shopping itself for a possible sale, maybe to Apple?

I'm not seeing much MQA "buzz" on the web lately.
Hi Eric
Would you be able too describe the decoder you were using or heard and if the recorded material was identified by the decoder/player as being MQA files. 
I was hoping that the MQA format would result in overall better recordings, not that I am anxious to start over or replace a lot of my current media.  Even though my best source is my Turntable, I am not a advocate of any one particular media. I believe that all source equipment are recording dependent.  I do believe that if all steps in the analogue process are of the highest caliber, that vinyl has the advantage, but with this in mind, I have a lot of poorly recorded LP's and superbly recorded CD's / DSD/SACD. I was disappointed to hear your observation of MQA files, I was hoping that process would improve the overall sonic quality of recordings and be a reliable source for quality recordings. I guess I will have to listen for myself,  but do value your opinion 
Post removed 
there is a lot of rumor-mongering recently that MQA is a way to enforce DRM...
Hi @bradf

I used a Mytek Brooklyn. Yes, MQA was properly identified when played. My sources came from

In my case I comapred 96/24 to MQA and I honestly could hear no difference at all. Not a bad thing considering MQA is a lossy and complicated format to reconstruct. Still, it has no value for me at all.

The Brooklyn IS a very good DAC, and to my ears, plays Redbook much better than most DACs from even 5 years ago. MQA is currently disabled so I can play with other filters. There is an odd bit of interface troubles. If you enable MQA you can't change filters. :-)



The big question will be if the market goes for MQA.  Without a large enough catalog of music, I don't see the DAC makers investing in making their units MQA-compatible.

The MQA folks have said that non-MQA-compatible DACs will be able to play back their files (as they are in a PCM wrapper), but from the few articles I've read on the subject, it seems that FPGA-based DAC manufacturers report that the resulting sound quality is not good.

I guess time will tell.  But it seems that there was a real flurry of excitement about MQA earlier in 2016, which seems to have calmed down.