Downsizing from VPI HW-19

Hey all,

I've been a more-or-less happy owner of a VPI HW-19 Mk.4 for the past few years, but I've found I'm more of a vinyl appreciator than a devotee. That said, I do ferret out the best pressings on discogs and other venues of certain lp's I want, and my VPI (with Benz Ace S cartridge) DOES produce a hauntingly beautiful sound through the Jolida JD9 Mk. 2 phono than my Rotel 1072 does through the Jolida FX DAC. But I feel I'm constantly fussing with VTF, azimuth, and the need to level the three-screw platter of the HW-19. I even bought a dial indicator and clamp and still have a devil of a time. I finally took out the three screws. But now am paranoid about a difference in sound.

In short, I find I'm listening to the vinyl system rather than the vinyl music.

I'm not really a mechanical guy. I mean, I'm happy soldering new tweeters into speakers, but I know I've already screwed up the SAMA by letting it contact the plinth when it shouldn't have. The sound's not affected, but I'm going to have to solder a new bearing motor into the SAMA.

What's a good downsize? I originally had a Project 5.1 SE with a Sumiko Blue Point before I acquired the VPI. But the VPI/Benz sound is beautiful and what I want, though. How can I downsize to a less demanding table and still have a warm and palpable sound?

Thank you for any and all feedback. Please be gentle.

@mb1audio - yeah, I wonder if the spindle is slightly off. But it shouldn't be as that has never moved. However, I do plan on taking it  to a local auto shop for servicing. Just to see what they can do with the screws, etc. I did replace the springs are year ago. 

@wlutke yes, it is a case of a lack of skill and experience, but I'm not sure how much time I'm willing to invest in the learning curve. 
I sympathize, simao. You should not have to tweak and tweak and tweak. It should be at your convenience, not a TT dictat.

Sounds like a tonearm problem to me. I don't like to set up every time, and yet I get near-optimal sound.

If you position your cartridge exactly right for your thinnest records, then they will be just a little tail down on your thickest records, which is just a little on the mellow side (for my Koetsu).

I think that you are wise to get your TT serviced at this point, and get the tech to spend some time on a good set-up for a thin record. Then revisit the issue.
Like all machines, this one may need servicing, too. I really do appreciate all your advice and cautions. I don't need to tell you that the sound and immersion I get from vinyl is so enveloping, so palpable. And I don't want to lose that. But I also don't want to spend every listening session listening to the equipment, either.

@terry9  By thin record, you're talking 150g or less, right?

Sim, I just mean the thinnest which you play. I play all the way from about 80g up - some of those old editions are mighty flimsy.

simao - There's no real learning curve on a -19 Mk IV.  But the springs must be replaced with pucks and the cartridge carefully aligned.  Fremer has an OK description of cartridge set-up.  VTF, once set, shouldn't need to be reset unless there are problems with the arm / counterweight.  

What is your location?  Maybe you could get help from a forum member or two.