BW 800-805 D3 series VS 800-805 Nautilus/S series

I love the Nautilus and S series but hit a wall with the D series. At the end of my trials, the 800 N & S speakers always sounded more natural and right to me, personally. I have met others with this same opinion, surprisingly quite a few.

I'd like to know, if you share this sentiment, have you heard the D3 line? What are your opinions in comparison the the N & S series? Have they found their way back to the magic or not?
I have 804S and 803D and find the smaller 804S almost as engaging. I think if both had the same crossover components, the differences might be even smaller. The 804S uses lower grade polypropylene couping caps to the midrange and tweeter, while the 803D uses Mundorf silver/Oil. I recently modded my 803Ds to Silver/gold/oil for both mid-range and tweeter and it makes quite a bit of difference. So I wonder what the 804S would sound like with those Mundorf silver/gold/oils and the upgraded resistors. Note also, that B&W used different series resistors on the tweeters to adjust the high frequency levels and this may impact how you hear them.
The used prices are very strong. 1500-2000 for the n805 and another 250 respectively for the 805s. The 804s goes for about 2500-2700 in mint condition. This speaks to their overall excellence. I hope to hear more about the D3s.
The limitation  of B&W are still their crossovers and the fact that it only can create 1 metre of stage depth.

I owned the 800S and wanted to buy the 800D1 in 2006. But in a few shootouts the stage depth was still 1 metre.

Recently I auditioned the 800D3 with the most expensive Esoteric amps,pre amp and sources. This set can create a lot of stage depth. But again it was still 1 metre of stage depth. This is a hifi stereo parameter. This is 100% a fact and cannot be changed.

B&W need new people to create better speakers, better crossovers and speakers who are capable of creating a very deep stage. This is an essential part in highend and is not allowed to be missed.