Marantz and Stereophile?

First post here, so hello all!

So I just made what I would call a real "audiophile" addition to my system, a Marantz PM-11s3 Integrated. It is funny that when you hear of a large purchase from people my age (47 ouch) and so many call it a "mid life crisis"
Funny thing is that whether it’s a sports car or a nice Hi-Fi component it takes years of financial building to afford such a piece. Not so much a crisis but a purchase that is soooo well deserved after years of wanting but not being in reach.
I have always enjoyed, followed, and owned 2-Channel systems... I’m a 2-channel guy and always will be! I remember that very first time 30 years ago that Mark Levinson and Wilson Audio changed my perception of recorded music forever! The love of music and the appreciation of components that deliver it to me that is sonically pleasing has had a grip on me ever since.
Mark Levinson and the likes were never attainable in my younger years but the like of Adcom, Rotel, Creek, Paradigm were. Thanks to these companies I have, for many years, enjoyed terrific music that was affordable and more than that... Really enjoyable!
Several years back I found myself without anything to listen to or even a simple dvd or bluray player to watch! Break-ups suck!
As soon as I could afford it again I went back out into the market and listened to a ton of components that I could afford and was really impressed with Marantz. I ended up with a Marantz PM8004 Integrated Amp and a Marantz UD7007 Universal Disc Player. I added Paradigm Monitor 7s with Kimber speaker cables and AudioQuest interconnects for a 2-Channel system I have quite enjoyed for the past three years.
This year I finally was able to take a jump up and add to the system.
I have really loved the Marantz sound, detailed yet warm as I would describe it... So I made a plunge and replaced the PM8004 with a Reference Series PM-11s3 and replaced the Paradigm 7s with Monitor Audio’s Silver 8s.
The PM8004 is a really sweet little integrated! I really enjoyed it as did everyone who listened to it. It was and still is a very nice piece that WAY outperforms its price point.... Having said that the difference between it and the PM-11s3 is not only night and day but virtually on different planets! The PM-11s3 from build quality to sound is just in every single way in not only a different class but in a different state completely.
Now, thanks for hanging in with me here... When one looks to replace a $1000 Integrated with a $5000 Integrated they look to the ones they trust for evaluations and trusted insight on a component. So naturally I looked to Stereophile and I found nothing? Not only did I find nothing on the PM-11s3 but nothing on any Reference Series Marantz? None of the Integrates, none of the SACDs, and none of the high-end mono-blocks that cost 20K with the pre?
Now this is IN NO WAY a flame of Stereophile! I just can’t understand that in the last 15 years why they haven’t reviewed or even mentioned Reference Series Marantz? Is there a misunderstanding between the two?

Pulled the trigger on the PM-11s3.  Very happy. Now I am tempted to keep the PM-8005 for a future second system.
Congrats sjtm! Its quite a monster compared to the smaller PMs isn’t it! Please give us your thoughts, I’d like to see if your experience in upgrading to the PM-11s3 is the same as mine when I upgraded from the PM-8004...
Oh, and I never sold the PM-8004... It was just too good! So its in another room now lol
I have been living with my Marantz Pm-11S3 for a couple of months.  The amp is paired with a Marantz SA-8004 SACD player and a pair of Focal Chorus 836V speakers.  Just after buying the amp, I picked up a gently used Focal SW 800  powered subwoofer.  

My listening room is not ideal - an L shaped room  where the rear wall distance varies.  I am also a newbie, having only listened to a handful of speakers and amps, so take my assesment for what it is worth ( perhaps just self assurance that I chose well).

Bottom line - no more purchases for the forseeable future - I have hit my listening nirvana.  Everything works together extremely well.  I had a concern that my previous amp (PM-8005), while an excellent integrated at its price point,was insufficient to drive the speakers both at very low listening levels and when cranked ( when I have the house to myself).  In fact, I did experience some clipping at truly high volumes with the old amp.  No more with the PM-11S3.  In addition, I feel there is much better resolution when I play at very low volumes.  

I also am very happy with the built in headphone amp.  I have a pair of Sennheiser HD-700's and listened the other night to a Norah Jones SACD.  Both the resolution and soundstage were impeccable.  With my much cheaper portable headphone amp, these headphones can seem just the slightest bit shrill at the top end, but with this amp, they are flawless.

Finally, I listen principally to vinyl through a Music Hall MMF 9.1 TT equipped with a Dynavector 10x5 HOMC cartridge. I can only compare the PM-11S3 phono stage to a Musical Surroundings Phenomina II phono preamp.  This is a great seperate preamp, but I see no need to bypass the internal phono preamp in the PM-11S3.  It is excellent.

I put this system together entirely by buying used on Audiogon.  Total cost, including Acoustic Zen Satori cables and Matrix interconnects, was $6,100. ( about $5K over my original budget).  I know many spend more than this just for a cd transport, but I am where I want to be.  

If you are putting a system together in this budget range, I heartily endorse any of the upper range Marantz products and especially the PM-11S3.

sjtm, Sorry I just now saw that you posted a follow up that I had requested. Sorry I didn't see it sooner!
I can see that your experience with the PM11s3 is close to the same as mine! Like you I cannot see myself replacing the PM-11s3 anytime soon at all! I am still blown away by it daily and so is everyone else who listens to it. So like you I am close to my listening nirvana... I do see me spending good money on a better TT and upgrading the speakers but as far as the Marantz Integrated goes, ITS A KEEPER! lol
Thanks again for your review!

I am definitely a Marantz fanboy. Today I picked up a gently used Marantz SA-11S3 SACD player - the companion piece to the PM-11S3.  I loved my SA-8004 SACD player but when I saw the 11S3 series were discontinued, I thought I should find one soon as the replacements( PM 10-$8,000 / SA10 - $7,000) are dramatically more expensive.

Thrilled with my decision.  Build quality is amazing and sound quality is a material upgrade over the SA8004.  Looking forward to a long weekend of digital bliss,