Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Rok, as I stated before, "Frogman has a way with words". He certainly expressed my thoughts in regard to both Charlie Ventura and the Beys. I believe you've sold the Beys as well as they can sold in this room.

Acman, I never thought about it, but I do recall that music from looking at early cartoons; it's amazing how much jazz is on "cartoons", you can also find Chico Hamilton.

Frogman, this is the first time anyone has put the music I love into a "musical perspective"; that makes it fresh and new. Although I've been around a lot of musicians, they never talked music from a musicians perspective.

Enjoy the music.

***** I believe you've sold the Beys as well as they can sold in this room.*****

The Bey's music speaks for itself. Does not need selling. But, as you pointed out, I speak French and all of you speak Spanish, so agreement is futile. Listen to it again.

The very words used to state what the Sisters lack, are the exact words that could be used to describe their brilliance. Something is wrong.

Maybe those wussy high-end speakers you people listen to, can't capture the essence of the Sisters. Is an upgrade in order? May I recommend POLK? Pops had Polks. I think. :)

Speaking of French:

Sidney Bechet, was involved in a gunfight in Paris back in the 1920's, as a result of an argument over chord changes. Wounded two. This was in the middle of Paris in broad daylight! That's when Jazz was Jazz!!! :) Who has that kind of passion these days?

I had a pair of Polk LSI 15's in my living room around 2006 for a 3 day tryout. i choose to get Joseph Audio speakers, but I was only using an AV receiver with the Polk's. I thought the LSI was better than my old Polk SDA's, but I wanted a more transparent sound and moved on. By the time I decided on the Josephs I had a much better Krell integrated, so it's hard to say exactly what you are hearing.

I think your love of the Bey Sisters has more to do with what you REALLY like, and what others in this case find OK. No big deal, just enjoy!
Thanks for the "Hustlin ...." clip, Acman3. Steely Dan meets Manhattan Transfer. Fun.