Infinity kappa 9 ebay crossover

I have just recently purchased two pairs or kappa 9's. does anybody have any experience with the crossovers that are being sold on ebay?they claim to make an easier load for the amplifier.that in it self Is very easy to believe.they also claims to give the speakers a better sound.I would like to hear some first hand experience.i would also like to hear of anyone who has had the original xover's rebuilt and where.also any other recommendations to improve on this xover.I hope to gain some good info here thank you 
Hi Lexi, take your question to the DIYAudio/ multi-way forums. I Think this speaker and the failings with it's crossover have been documented there.

Infinity crossovers were arrived at very experimentally. Kind of a miracle they made sound to my eyes. :) :) :)

If they had the tools we have today with measurement and simulation I'm sure they would have been done differently.


Thank you I am do get there?i didn't see anything like that in my list of different topics or anywhere else i lookedÂ