Starting over with vinyl

Having just acquired new MMGs after a decade without music (yes, what a long strange trip it has been), I will begin to rebuild my music collection.

The question is "vinyl or cd"?  I have a collection of 100 or so CDs and no vinyl at all.

My system is Adcom GTP-500, GFA-555 and MMGs.  An Onix XCD-88 and Denon DCM-280 take care of the CD side.

Musical preferences are folk, bluegrass, jazz, classical and rock and roll (60s and 70s) and female vocals.

My last turntable was a Revox B970 and before that there was a Technics belt drive with a Shure V15 cartridge.

Buying used, what would be a reasonable starting place with a budget of $500 for equipment?  And is there anything I should know about the phono stage of the GTP-500 (checked out and functioning as designed) that would steer me away from vinyl?

Thanks in advance for your responses
kythyn wrote:
The Rega RP-1 seems good. Which of the Pro-jects would you consider?

The Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC in the color of your choice for a mere $399, no question. Comes with a premounted/aligned Ortofon 2M Red, one of the best $99 cartridges out there.

100 CDs isn't investment enough to stick with CD playback. I listened to digital exclusively for 20 years (1987-2007), then took my best SACD and matching LP to my local high end store, played them back-to-back on a Linn system, and that was that. (LPs won, no contest.) For the next 6 months I listened exclusively to LPs, and now, 9 years later I have around 1500 LPs.
johnnyb53 - thanks for sharing an actual personal experience. There is a Debut Carbon on sale here for $299 and it is in Florida north of where I am. Seems like a no-brainer?  There are two Pro-ject RM 1.3s with Sumiko Pearls available at $425 from the same store.  Are these worth the additional cost in your opinion?

raymonda - It really is a question of where to spend the future dollars - cd or vinyl? I wonder if the more limited selection of vinyl will keep me from going broke as quickly?

On another note, I could put the turntable budget towards either the bass panel for the Maggies, or a different sub or a set of .7s. The upgrade bug has already bitten me and I haven’t had the MMGs a week yet!
I prefer analog but that said vinyl is not cheap and at 20 to 40 bucks an album can be considered expensive. 2.00 albums are no longer and those at that price are chewed up.

CDS on the other hand are out of style and cheap. 1 to 2 dollars is the going rate you can get a whole lot at that price. 

Another alater native is to buy an OPPO 103 and a 1TB hard drive. buy CDS and then down load high res files or visit and enjoy and endless source of live concerts.

Meanwhile save up for a decent table and cartridge. buy used and get the best bang for your dollar and wait till you have about 1500. that will get you to the show.

Are the recordings you listen to digital or analog? For me, older music recorded on analog equipment, with nothing digital in the chain, like remastering, is the best sounding vinyl. Once digital is in the chain, like the recording, remaster or both, vinyl just sounds like better digital at that point. So, if I can get an album done in full analog, I buy it on record. If there's any digital in the chain, I buy it on whatever the best digital format is offered. 

I used to think I was the only one doing it this way, but in the last couple of years, I see more and more people selecting records the same way I do.