Your Go to CD to Impress

Friends come over and inquire why you would spend so much money on a stereo system, what is the CD you load up? For me,

Patricia Barber  ---Café Blue

Dead Can Dance-Into the Labyrinth

Call me different
I go for stuff that has unusual musicality and is downtempo
BY BAND NAME - Album Name

AIR = 10,000 Hz album for near rockers
ALL INDIA RADIO - The Silent Surf - low key
BLISS - my favorite female voice
BALMORHEA - Self Titled, mellow
BANCO DE GAIA = Last Train to Lhasa - Trains to Music on this one track
BROKENKITES = Fugue State, deep and demanding
EMANCIPATOR - Safe in the Steep Cliffs, articulate composition
KATIE MELUA - yet another notable voice
LINDSEY STERLING - Shatter Me = killer modern violin

Let me know if anyone listens to these and I will rattle out the rest  of the alphabet of my music.

Tracy Nelson-Live From C Block D, is one of my favorite demos, especially for newbies to my listening room.  Kind of a mixture of folk, country rock, and one of the most powerful female vocalists around.  Originally part of Mother Earth, her live stuff is mesmerizing.  No one seems to know about her, but having seen Mother Earth live in the late 60's/early 70's got me hooked on her vocal talents.
*Jennifer Warnes - Famous Blue Rain Coat
*Dianne Krall - Love Scenes
*The Harry James Sessions
*Lyle Lovett - I Love Everybody 
*Larry McNeeley - Confederation
*Fleetwood Mac - Dreams
*Mozart Variations (Windam Hill)
*Stevie Ray Vaughn - Tin Pan Alley
If you know the person well, if not ask what styles/artists they like. Then find something suitable. You won't impress very well if they don't like what you played.