Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
P.S. to my post just above: When I said ...
What strikes me as perhaps the most significant concern, that I see initially, is the spike in the impulse response occurring just 0.7 ms after the direct sound arrival. I'm not sure what that is, although based on its arrival time I suppose it figures to be a baffle reflection.
... I'm thinking that perhaps it also could have been a reflection from the mic stand.

Can any of the experienced DEQX users offer an opinion as to how serious an issue that spike, and the subsequent brief ringing, might be?

Best regards,
-- Al
It looks like it might be a reflection from your mic stand. You may need to invest $20 or so in a boom stand, attach the mic on the very end of the stand's horizontal arm, and extend the arm all the way forward. That's what DEQX recommends.
I have linked here to the same measurements for my speakers (midrange-treble only) for comparison.

These were taken outdoors and you can see a similar reflection from the mic (or maybe the grass surface), starting at 26ms.

Almarg, from your measurements I would initially window just before the reflection at 14ms and calibrate from there
Al, more questions than answers. Looking at the step response graphs. The tweeter and mid look pretty closely aligned .. off maybe a couple of mSecs. The woofer step looks unusual. Can you or Andrew explain what I see there??

Also, the group delay graph makes little sense to me. Again ... can you or Andrew interpret the graph.

I suspect that the DEQX will clean up your FR graph. Most of the bumps and saddles are probably room related.

As an aside ... just finished another session with Larry. He tamed the time alignment specs as measured at my listening position. He also spent a lot of time smoothing out the saddles and bumps. Overall presentation is more natural sound presentation.

P.S. Larry told me that he does factory authorized mods to the DEQX, many which source from the HDP-5. I may take him up on the upgrade this fall. Many of the changes relate to improved power supply, better op amps ... all of which make for faster transient response and dynamic headroom.
Bruce - I believe that Al's measurements are of full range speakers and the amp & cabling running to the speaker in the photos (+ the descriptions in the plots themselves) seem to confirm this. I don't see separate step response graphs for tweeter/mid and woofer but two graphs of the same measurement where Al has changed the scale (0-10ms on the 1st, 0-40ms on the 2nd).

Group delay is the time that it takes for the modulation signal to pass through the system/air and arrive at the microphone, measured against frequency. In simple terms, it's an indicator of how much the signal will be distorted - the DEQX introductory video on their website demonstrates this 'smearing' effect.