Devore Gibbon X or O/96?

One of these will be my next upgrade. I've had the 9s for about 5 years. Would appreciate any input from those who have heard/own one or the other. I have Shindo separates, the Monbrison and Montille (20-watt version).
I was fortunate in that the 0/96 "demos" I listened to were 2 weeks old and I was able to buy that very pair. The dealer even brought them to my house, help me set them up, and took away my Devore 9s that he accepted in trade. I do remember having to wait about two months when I bought the 9s. I agree that the 0/96 is a very different presentation than many other "audiophile" speakers, and that part of the "magic" comes from a nice integration of tube amp and the benign impedence and the higher sensitivity. I also heard them in demo with a Line Magnetic, the 518, and they mate very nicely with my Shindo 20-watt amp. I would suspect the Magicos are better at focused imaging, "transients" and the like. Even the 9s have a different presentation than the 0/96, which takes some getting used to when you go from one to the other. The 9s floated a more "airy", delicate, focused soundstage but don't create the overall sense of scale and power of the 0/96. And the 0/96 is at a completely higher level when it comes to bass extension, bass slam and detail, midrange detail, and treble detail. I'm having to work a little harder to get them to image the way I want in my room, but I suspect it's because they are much wider, move a lot more air and probably weren't meant to be "imaging" champs anyway. The thing is, when I'm listening, I don't find myself paying much attention to that with these speakers. Rather I find myself enjoying the boogie factor, the myriad of musical details, and the connection with the musicians and their instruments.
Oh, and I've completely gotten over my concern about the physical stability of the O/96, which sit on the stands with four legs. They are very stable and so much easier to move and position without having to mess with spiked feet.
So what amps are people having success with the Xs? Should be many pairs in the field now.

I am currently running DartZeel amplification but thinking of trying a Jadis integrated next year. 
Hi Ladok,

Congrats on the O/96's!  Sorry if I missed it before, but curious as to the size of your listening room and was wondering how far you have them out from the wall that is behind the speakers?

Many thanks and happy listening!
No Regrets
Keithr, as a dartz owner, I am curious on your experience with Devore and Dartzeel amps; what makes you want to go towards Jadis, and did you try? thanks. derek