looking for a quality integrated that allows for bypassing of the preamp section

In a simple A/V 2-channel system, I run an Upgrade Co. modded Oppo BDP-83SE directly into my amp, which is currently a Cambridge Audio 840W.  I prefer the extra detail and transparency that going preampless offers but occasionally find the output on some movies too low, even with the volume full up.  I've thought about getting a simple preamp (Parasound zpre) and connecting just for those hard to hear movies but that seems like a real hassle.  Also considering a Creek Destiny integrated that allows for either passive or active preamplication but may need more power than the Destiny offers.  Perhaps the simplest solution would be an integrated that has the inputs that allow one to bypass the preamp and use the integrated solely as an amplifier (what's the term for this input?).  What feature would I be looking for and could I get some recommendations up to $1500 used?  Many thanks.
Perhaps the simplest solution would be an integrated that has the inputs that allow one to bypass the preamp and use the integrated solely as an amplifier (what's the term for this input?). What feature would I be looking for and could I get some recommendations up to $1500 used?
The most common term is HT Bypass. 

Here is a link to a comprehensive list of integrateds having this feature.  As your looking to buy used you should be able to find one that addresses your needs with your budget.
paraneer----thank you very much for both the term I was missing and a comprehensive list .  Much appreciated!
paraneer----might there be a list of integrateds that allow you to disconnect the preamp from the amp section via jumpers?  Thanks again.
might there be a list of integrateds that allow you to disconnect the preamp from the amp section via jumpers?
There may be but that feature isn't really HT Bypass. 

The purpose of HT Bypass is to turn an integrated amp into a power amp with the push of just one button and controls its volume from the a remote surround processor.  Bypassing the integrated's preamp section.  And then go back to the integrated's preamp by pushing the same button again when playing a source connected to the integrated.

No changing cables each time you need to use a different preamp but want to use the integrated's power amp section full time.